Understanding illustration copyright and licensing
There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the subject of copyright, and for a client new to commissioning illustration work being hit with a load of legal talk about ownership and usage can be daunting and off-putting. Here I explain what copyright actually is, and how you can agree your usage requirements by negotiating the terms of an illustration licence.
From proof to print – sending the correct files to press
Your final proof looks great on screen, so surely you can just send that file to print? Find out why you shouldn’t send a PDF proof to print and what needs doing before I can send a file that is suitable for print.
Vector vs raster logo files – what’s the difference and why does it matter?
When a client needs to send me their logo to use in their design, I’ll usually ask for it in a vector format. If you’re not sure what that means I’ll try to explain here, and help you understand why I need it…
Using QR codes in your design
Using QR codes in your design – do you need one, and how best to go about creating and managing them.
Welcome to the Resources section
Find out about the new Resources area of my website and what you can expect to see here…